Science Time

Family Science Shows

Choices for an evening Family Science Show include: 

1. Lightning: So Frightening. Please click here for a sample flyer.

2. Air: Invisible yet so Effective. Please click here for a sample flyer.

3. Believe it or Not? Please click here for a sample flyer.

4. Electricity: A Shocking Experience. Please click here for a sample flyer.

lightning tree family

A Family Show can be a no-cost, no-administration, no-risk event for a school. The school simply provides a venue and advertises. Families can choose to participate, email registrations directly to me, and simply pay at the door on the night. Cost is typically $12 per person, with a minimun 50 persons.

Some schools choose to fund the event and provide free, or subsidised, attendance. Offering a meal, such as a barbeque, prior to the show can provide a useful fundraiser. Interested families from other district schools might also be invited.

Feedback From Schools

  • “The staff, students, and community were impressed with Peter’s science show. His activities were exciting and informative, engaging everyone present. I recommend Peter’s shows as an excellent opportunity to involve students and parents in the new Science curriculum.” Chris Jackson, Principal, Wallabadah Public School, NSW
  • “The group was spellbound by the insights into electricity. Adults revisited past experiences, whilst children had their eyes opened to the incredible world of physics. A fun way to explore the sciences, and everyone walked away having extended their learning on the subject.” Justin Pratt, President, P & F Association, John XXIII Primary & St Mark's College, Stanhope Gardens, Sydney